Going full-time with your handmade business

There is a massive difference between a hobbyist that sometimes makes their own items and maybe sells them online, and an entrepreneur that makes their own items and sells them online as a business. That business could be a small one in its infancy providing money for a vacation fund (with plans to grow), or an 80 hour a week job that pays the bills and puts food on a hand-painted plate. For a handmade artisan that prefers to focus on their craft and creations, moving toward a full-time business can be scary and sometimes even terrifying. Perhaps you are at that point, though, where you think you can make it work. But where to start? Is this the right decision for you at this time? First make sure that this is what you want and that you are ready for it. Running your own business takes skills and knowledge that perhaps aren’t your area of expertise. There are ways to compensate for this and to get the most out of your skill set (whatever that may be), but you need to be sure you are ok...