Vendio 2019 in review

2019 was for sure a great year for all of us, and looking back we have plenty of reasons to celebrate. There were great improvements on the Vendio platform, including additions to our supported selling channels. Through great successes and hard challenges, we managed to build on our relationships with our loyal sellers, and also have fun at work with an amazing team. Check out the main accomplishments that we recall from this year: Vendio celebrates 20 years of serving sellers - In 1999, when the age of independent online sellers began, Vendio was born as one of the third-party providers to serve those businesses. Originally an online search tool for auction sites, Vendio has grown over the years into a full fledged inventory management solution for small and medium sellers of all types, and lately added a selling solution dedicated to handmade sellers. Celebrating 20 years of serving sellers was simply amazing. We got so many nice words from sellers that were with us from the v...