Vendio 2019 in review

2019 was for sure a great year for all of us, and looking back we have plenty of reasons to celebrate. There were great improvements on the Vendio platform, including additions to our supported selling channels. Through great successes and hard challenges, we managed to build on our relationships with our loyal sellers, and also have fun at work with an amazing team. Check out the main accomplishments that we recall from this year:


  1. Vendio celebrates 20 years of serving sellers - In 1999, when the age of independent online sellers began, Vendio was born as one of the third-party providers to serve those businesses. Originally an online search tool for auction sites, Vendio has grown over the years into a full fledged inventory management solution for small and medium sellers of all types, and lately added a selling solution dedicated to handmade sellers. Celebrating 20 years of serving sellers was simply amazing. We got so many nice words from sellers that were with us from the very beginning, from current partners, old and new friends, colleagues and former employees. We felt so much love and we are so lucky to be part of the Vendio family.

  2. Vendio Handmade - The first Tool to Sell Handmade Products was released this year. Focused on selling handmade products across the most important specialty marketplaces, Vendio Handmade makes things easy for handmade sellers and helps them grow their businesses.

  3. Amazon Handmade as selling channel - Part of Vendio Handmade support, Amazon Handmade is the latest channel made available for our sellers. Vendio simplifies getting setup on Amazon Handmade and makes the entire process easy. Fully compatible with Etsy as well, Vendio can easily get those items up on Amazon Handmade on the behalf of sellers

  4. One year of MoreCommerce - 2019 happily marked one year of Vendio being part of MoreCommerce. One year of accepted challenges but also one year of finding creative solutions to solve problems. One great year of building a strong team and making friends. And the most important one... one year of empowering over 100K merchants to sell tens of millions of products across the top eCommerce marketplaces. We are happy to be part of this movement. :)

  5. Recruiting Beta testers for Handmade solution -  Because our sellers are the ones who make use of the tools we build, we want them to be happy with the Vendio selling tools. That is why, for the newly added features focused on Handmade sellers we started recruiting beta testers out of our own sellers. We rely on their honest feedback and in exchange we offer the service free of charge during beta state and beyond. To join our beta testing program for Handmade please register for your account here and contact us at after registering so that we can enable the account for free beta testing. The offer is available for the first 20 users. 

  6. Released Beta support for Selling on Etsy through Vendio. Highly requested for several years now, Etsy was also added as a selling channel in the Vendio set of tools. With the ability to import Etsy products and prepare the Inventory to be sold on Etsy, Vendio allows beta support for this new channel. Stay tuned because the beginning of 2020 will be marked by full Etsy support. 

  7. Keeping UpToDate with the eBay changes was a High Priority for Vendio in 2019 and will continue to be in 2020 as well because we know it is very important for you to have the very best help with your business. This is why we do our best to provide you with the most recent features required for the ecommerce industry in general and with eBay in particular. Stay tuned for more updates to come in 2020!

  8. Stay compliant with Amazon - As Vendio partners with Amazon, we make sure to comply with all of their requirements. Even if it was not a process visible to our sellers, we worked with Amazon to continue to be compliant in terms of Personally Identifiable Information according to the industry standards. This ensures that in the process of selling our products on Amazon through Vendio, your information and the data of your buyers is correctly encrypted and thus perfectly safe with us. 

  9. Ongoing Security Upgrades: As always, we are very careful when it comes to security. This is why the ongoing security upgrades are a high priority to Vendio. And we are doing our best so that your business runs smoothly and with no impediments.

  10. Usability Enhancements: Based on the helpful feedback received from our sellers, we made changes to some pages to improve their usability. This includes changing the look of some fields to make it more obvious how they work, and added help instructions and tutorials. 

  11. Working is both fun and passion - At Vendio we work hard but since we enjoy what we do, we put a lot of passion in our work. If you’re following us on social media, during the year you could have taken a sneak peak at what happened in our offices. Out of all the funny moments we will mention the hard core one that we invite you to watch again

  12. The Vendio community is amazingly strong and united - During 2019 we had both happy and hard moments but by far the one that impressed us the most was during the most difficult moment of the year. On October 3rd the Vendio website was affected by a DDoS attack. Our engineering team has worked around the clock with our 3rd Party Data Center Services provider since the attack began to bring our services back online and ensure the stability of the platform. While the services were down our customer service team kept in touch with the sellers explaining the difficult situation. What was very touching was the amount of love we received through encouraging messages from our sellers. This was when we received confirmation that the Vendio seller community is not only loyal, but also genuinely empathetic and full of an amazing amount of kindness. We are all grateful to be part of such a lovely community!

At the beginning of 2020 we plan on having full support for Etsy and going forward into the year, much more good news is expected. If you have any suggestions for improvements that you would like to see us make please let us know.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, to get the latest Vendio news, tips and updates for your business.

We’d love to hear your feedback!

The Vendio Team


  1. Very Intersting Blog
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